Know Thyself

Walk a Path of Growth and Healing to Embody your Divine Self

Getting Started with the Modern Mystery School

Studying with the Modern Mystery School opens the door to a path of spiritual tools and wisdom. 

Through an ancient lineage tradition, these teachings have been handed down from teacher to student for thousands of years.

This path is specialized to deal with the negative ego, so you can get out of your own way and live in alignment with your Divine Self. 

walking the Path

All great spiritual leaders walked a path of initiation. The unbroken lineage and initiatory path is what sets the Modern Mystery School apart from other schools and training available today.  Through the unbroken lineage, the Modern Mystery School holds keys and time-tested tools to support you with accelerating the unfolding of your greatest joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

Activate &. Expand

Turn on your Spiritual blueprint to embody more of your divine essence

Life Activation Session

Initiate & Begin

Gain tools to Know Thyself and begin a journey of Self-Mastery

Empower Thyself Initiation

Heal & Inspire

Step into greater Purpose and Service to Others

Healers Academy

A Mystery School provides tools and teachings you can apply in your life to come to Know Thyself

YOU are the “mystery” to unfold, as you excavate your Divine self and live as God in your life.

An authentic Mystery School is set apart from other spiritual schools by having an unbroken lineage, where tools and teachings are maintained and passed down through generations. 

This maintains the authority and integrity of the tools.

No, the Mystery School is not a religion or a belief system. 

A student within the Mystery School receives tools to apply in their life, and make their own assessment of the results.

Students continue forward with the school because they have found benefit from the path, and the results they’ve experienced in their lives. 

To get started, you can contact Erin for guidance and scheduling your first session or class.

The Life Activation is a recommended place to start. This session turns on your spiritual blueprint and awakens dormant potential. It creates fertile ground for the light to anchor in your life, and is a prerequisite for further training on the core path of initiation. 

From there, the Empower Thyself 2-day program provides foundational tools and expands your energy structure to hold 10x more light, through the process of initiation. 

With more light comes greater awareness and clarity, to recognize where you’re stopping yourself and tools to get out of your own way. It’s an accelerated process of growth to go beyond your personality and get to know your Divine nature, your God self. 

For those who want more light to work with, Healers Academy is the next step of initiation, expanding your capacity to hold the light another 10x (now operating with 100x the light).

If you have a desire to be a healer and serve others, this step on the path provides a foundation for moving into serving another God / Goddess. 

You receive the handing down to be able to share the Life Activation session, to awaken the divine blueprint within another person. Plus you also learn an aura healing modality and the process facilitating MAX Meditation System™.

Further steps bring you into greater self-mastery through the Ritual Master path. This training offers the greatest challenges and the greatest rewards as you choose to work with the Light to illuminate the negative ego, and make the choice to grow beyond your limitations and subconscious programming.

This is the path of the spiritual Warrior, striving to be the best version of yourself, in service to the Light. To have the courage and strength to never give up on yourself and your commitment to do Good in this world. 

For those who wish to serve others in a higher capacity, the Guide initiation brings another 10x the light (now operating with 1000x the light). With this comes greater responsibility and aim to truly Master Thyself, so you can be in service to others on their path of growth and healing without the influence of the negative ego.



Start with a Life Activation session

Meet Erin

Erin Wallace is a compassionate soul whose life’s purpose revolves around uplifting others and making a positive impact on the world. She is a powerhouse, no-nonsense lightworker, cutting through the BS to shine a light and empower others to step into their Godhood.  

Leading the Modern Mystery School community in California, Erin also serves as an International Instructor with the Modern Mystery School, Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Teacher, and on the International teaching panel for training others to become Life Activation practitioners. 

Erin is also the best selling author of Spiritual Shortcuts:  7 Simple Keys to Fast Track Your Progression.

With authenticity and honesty, Erin offers ancient lineage tools and keys for stepping into your greatest life.

To get started working with Erin, consider scheduling a free 15-min phone consultation to learn how these tools can make an impact in your life. 

Watch the Modern Mystery School Docuseries

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