Activate your potential

Experience DNA Activation to ignite new possibilities and growth in your life.

This session activates 22 Strands of your DNA – the blueprint of who you are. Turning on your Spiritual blueprint infuses light into your structure. With more light comes greater awareness and clarity.

Imagine turning on a light in a room – now you can see what’s in the room and deal with it. When we have more light in our life, we can see more clearly what’s going on in our life, and take action in a way that moves us forward in alignment with our Spirit.

Experience the DNA Activation to:

  • Access more of your spiritual gifts in your physical life
  • Clear out negative patterns and harness more light to shift and grow
  • Remember more of your Divine Self and live in greater alignment with your divinity

This part of you that is awakened during a DNA activation is Eternal and can create miracles.

The  is the starting point if you want to go further in your studies with the Modern Mystery School but also the benefits last forever because once you are activated you will always be activated.

I am a member of the International Teaching Panel for this modality. Session includes vibrational medicine to help you clear and integrate.

This is a prerequisite for the Empower Thyself Initiation Class.

The life activation session works with your energy structure.

Throughout the session you are either seated or standing as Erin balances your magnetic, elemental, etheric, and chakra energies.

Once your energy structure is aligned and balanced, the DNA activation works within your etheric energy body, turning on specific points along the back of your head and neck.

This activates your divine blueprint, bringing light to both your physical and spiritual DNA.

It creates fertile ground for the light to anchor in your life, and sets in motion greater potential for healing and growth.

The session completes with a DNA reading sharing information to support you at this time.

The biggest thing you can do to prepare is to come ready to receive, and ready to let go of what doesn’t serve you. 

Throughout the session you can relax and enjoy the energy.

*It is recommended to avoid any drugs or alcohol leading up to and immediately after the session. 

The Life Activation session comes from an ancient Mystery School lineage, with direct, traceable record that goes back 3,000 years to the time of King Salomon. 

This session has been used for thousands of years within the Mystery School tradition to turn on the spiritual blueprint, so we can access more of our divine potential while here in the physical.

The keys to this modality have been preserved and brought forward by the Modern Mystery School.

Access new possibilities

Meet Erin

Erin Wallace is a compassionate soul whose life’s purpose revolves around uplifting others and making a positive impact on the world. She is a powerhouse, no-nonsense lightworker, cutting through the BS to shine a light and empower others to step into their Godhood.  

Leading the Modern Mystery School community in California, Erin also serves as an International Instructor with the Modern Mystery School, Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Teacher, and on the International teaching panel for training others to become Life Activation practitioners. 

Erin is also the best selling author of Spiritual Shortcuts:  7 Simple Keys to Fast Track Your Progression.

With authenticity and honesty, Erin offers ancient lineage tools and keys for stepping into your greatest life.

To get started working with Erin, consider scheduling a free 15-min phone consultation to learn how these tools can make an impact in your life. 

What Clients Say

"I traveled the world to historic iconic places seeking spirituality and a connection to the universe for over a decade. I found it 25 min from my home at the Modern Mystery School and it has been such a gift and a blessing!

I’ve been taking classes from Erin Wallace for 5 years. She has enlightened me to a spiritual practice that is both practical and magickal- everyone can benefit from it!

As a guide, Erin is supportive, encouraging, and prompt to respond. She’s supported me through my highs and lows. The community I’ve become a part of has been essential. We have so much fun and support for each other, and, it helped to have this pillar of strength and clarity of a community during the pandemic.

Simply put, it’s what I was seeking and I’m grateful to become a part of it."

"I've worked with Erin and the Modern Mystery School over the past 5 years; having receive much applicable knowledge and tools to enhance my life. Erin is a brilliant and strong spiritual guide focused on helping humanity move forward."

"I can’t explain it fully and most likely I’m not supposed to be able to but there have been energetic shifts in my life since beginning to study at the mystery school. I like that it meets you where you’re at, so no matter how much personal growth work you’ve done or not done, it’s going to give you energetic change.

Really kind and interesting people who think differently than the mainstream, which is refreshing. Erin Wallace has been my guide throughout and I’m grateful for her."

"I've been a student at this center for over three years and I've found it absolutely incredible! Erin is an amazing teacher and has so many magical keys to offer humanity. These keys have helped me improve my life and cultivate more positive relationships. I've found an incredible sense of healing through the modalities and spiritual services offered here.

I just completed sacred geometry 6 and it was so powerful! I'm so grateful for this center and I'm excited to continue to study with the Modern Mystery School."

"Erin Wallace is such a talented healer and teacher! The life activation is life changing... I highly recommend it! I use the tools I learned in Empower Thyself everyday."

"I have had many experiences with this center, and specifically with Erin Wallace, and they have all been stellar. The center offers many different kinds of events, healings and classes and I have come away from all of them feeling more than satisfied.

Most times I come away with much more than I expected! And Erin is a very fun-loving, kind, compassionate and professional woman. Needless to say, I highly recommend this center’s services and Erin Wallace."

"Erin is an amazing teacher! Since I found Erin and the Modern Mystery School I haven't stopped growing in every sense of the word. How you measure what you have learned is by seeing the good fruits in your life and I wouldn't be where I am today without her classes and healings. You just have to come sense and see for yourself, energy doesn't lie ❤️"

"Erin Wallace is an incredibly powerful healer, teacher and guide to say the least. You can feel the focus and potency in her energy in her presence - and she’s hilarious! I am so grateful to have her here in California, anchoring such ancient teachings and light.

This center allows for many extraordinary classes to be taught. I highly recommend life activation, empower thyself, Kabbalah, and the sacred geometries - you can’t go wrong, it’s all good."

"Erin is a phenomenally gifted healing practitioner and I've been recommending her to all my friends and family because I feel so grateful as her work has totally transformed and empowered my life.

I received an energetic cord removal, purification of light and a 22-strand DNA activation from her and the effects of these healings were so beyond words amazing in my life I can't highly recommend them enough.

Also, this center is a hidden gem and sanctuary as it has a totally safe, cozy, peaceful and healing vibe to it. The location of this center is also absolutely perfect as it's right next to a safe and peaceful park with plenty of free parking and pleasant walking paths."

"Erin is amazing! She’s very easy to talk to and a great guide, teacher, and healer. She’s also really fun and I love all of the community events. This was the spiritual community I had always been looking for. The tools from the Modern Mystery School have changed my life. I highly recommend any of the metaphysical classes and the Life Activation."

"I’ve worked with Erin since 2019 in many capacities - first and foremost she is my Guide. And she continues to amaze me with how knowledgeable, wise, and caring she is!

She has a great heart and puts the well-being of the person in front of her first and foremost. And she is set on finding win-win solutions which means you leave a better person after interacting with her in whatever way.

Can’t wait to continue working with and learning from her 🙂 oh and the Modern Mystery School tools? Yes they work - and they work in ways you can’t really describe via words. What I’ll say is that they definitely have saved me from a meaningless and directionless life! Very grateful! You’ll have to experience it to know it for yourself, this is not something you will know just from the experience of others!"

"Erin’s passion for what she does transcends the work of the Modern Mystery School. She hold energy and light with such reverence and authenticity. A true joy to receive healing from. The classes I have found amazing tools in is the Empower Thyself Class and the Kabbalah Series.

All with great wisdom and knowledge that can feel like your learning/just being reminded of the knowledge your heart has always known to be true. I have taken the courses at my pace and Erin has always been so supportive of that. All the tools have really brought such assuredness and vibrancy in my life and aura.

As a Christian with a strong love in my heart for Jesus and God this school has such respect for that and any individual with any belief and faith. Really so universal for spirituality across the board."

I've been a student at MMS for approximately 2 1/2 years, and my journey with this institution has been nothing short of transformative. The technical aspect of my education here, involving classes and the pursuit of self-knowledge, has been a remarkable experience.

This school offers a unique approach where you have the freedom to choose your level of involvement. Personally, I've chosen to fully engage, and I can genuinely say that the teachings I've received have brought clarity, enhanced emotional intelligence, instilled a sense of purpose, and filled my life with joy.

Through my time here, I've discovered the 'why' behind my existence and how I can contribute to the betterment of humanity. But it's not just about individual growth; the social aspect of this journey has been equally incredible. I've had the privilege of connecting with countless remarkable individuals, witnessing their incredible transformations, and experiencing my own personal growth on multiple levels.

In short, my experience with MMS has been profoundly enriching, and I'm grateful for the insights, connections, and positive changes it has brought into my life. It's a place where self-discovery, personal development, and a deeper understanding of one's role in society converge to create an uplifting and empowering experience. Highly recommend!!!

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