Step into your greatness

Gain practical tools to heal and live as your Divine Self.

There is Hope.

You could be the best builder in the world, but if you don’t have the right tools, you’ll be limited in what you can do. 

As a spiritual being having a physical experience, the power is in your hands. But to live your full potential it helps to have the right tools. 

Work with Erin

Erin Wallace is an experienced Guide and Healer supporting individuals on a path to KNOW THYSELF. 

She opens the door for you to walk a path of alchemy and transformation, and receiving the handing down of spiritual tools you can start to work with to integrate more light in your life. 

These tools create light, direction, support and protection for you to have space to connect uninterrupted with the God within you.

Using these tools strengthens your ability to see and sense clearly. It creates an unfolding of getting to know your Divine self, letting go of the negative ego, healing your subconscious programming, and strengthening your will!

The light will help you see subconscious conditioning and allow you more opportunity to choose to release it.

Let go of the negative ego and align with the purpose you are here to achieve!

The Empower Thyself program is a 2-day class, handing down spiritual keys within an ancient Mystery School tradition. 

This program goes far beyond concepts – it’s about working with your energy structure to bring more light, and anchoring that light as a platform to stand on in your life. 

This is done through a process of Initiation – which is an ancient tool for anchoring spiritual energy into the physical.

In these 2-days your energy structure is flooded with light, an alchemical process anchored by the rite of Initiation. 

You also learn practical tools for harnessing light (rituals), to align with the light within, your Divine Self, every day. 

By applying the tools you come to Know Thyself as a divine being, and wield the light in your life for accelerated growth and healing.

The Empower Thyself class supports you to:

  • Identify with your true self and expose the negative ego
  • Receive tools to keep your energy protected and vibrating at a high level so you attract good
  • Realign your will to the will of God instead of going against it
  • Graduate to new spirit guides that will excell your progression
  • Hold up to 10 times more light and power for your unique mission on Earth


You’ll also gain insight into:

  • The Human Potential to be God
  • Where do you come from and where are you going?
  • The Universal Kabbalah and the Tree of Life
  • How to harness the power of Chi
  • The 12 physical Dimensions
  • The 7 Spiritual Dimensions
  • Lineage and King Salomon

    …..and much more!

Initiation is a process of anchoring light into the physical density. 

When you choose to align with the light and be a force for good in the world, that is a self-initiation.

The Modern Mystery School path offers a physical initiation through a holy ceremony, like a knighting ceremony. 

For those who choose to receive this initiation, it is like raising your hand and saying, “I want more life in my life, I want to know God more, I want to live in alignment with my God Self.” 

This initiation amplifies your energy structure to hold 10x more light within your physical structure. 

With more light you have more awareness. You can start to see more clearly where you are in alignment with your Divine Self, and where you are not. 

This initiation gives you knowledge, tools, and energy to choose to align with your Divine self more often in your life.

It is a catalyst for positive growth and transformation. 

The Empower Thyself initiation sets you on a path to Know Thyself. To know your TRUE SELF – not your personality and who you are as a result of your subconscious programming  throughout life. 

The benefits from this program and initiation are many, and include:

  • Expanding your energy structure to hold 10x more light to support your unique purpose
  • Clarity to take action in alignment with your Higher Self. 
  • Rituals to align with the light within and not be as affected by other people’s energy (super helpful for empaths!)
  • Greater ability to adapt and cope with the challenges of life
  • A specialized meditation technique for getting past the mind chatter and connecting with your Higher Self for guidance. 
  • Ability to tap into your divine wisdom for answers, guidance, and healing rather than relying on something external.


And so much more! 


All healing is self-healing, so you have to be ready to take responsibility for your own healing to make the shifts you’d like to see in your life.

If you want effective tools to support you with that, you’ve come to the right place.

This path of initiation has been an effective tool for thousands of years. It is an art and a science, and you will have an experienced Guide with Erin Wallace. 

If it were easy to live as our Divine Self, we’d already be doing it. 

We get in our own way more than anything else.

When you attend the Empower Thyself program you begin a process of alchemy.

To “initiate” is to begin, and this process gives you:

  • An ongoing relationship with Erin Wallace as your Guide for spiritual growth and progression. 
  • The first step onto a path that effectively deals with the negative ego.
  • Tools to shine a light and transmute, to elevate your frequency to more easily connect to Divine self


For those who feel called, like so many do, there is much more to explore on this path

Consider scheduling a consultation with Erin to learn how this path could support you specifically. 

Darcy W.
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Shortly after I attended Empower Thyself I gained so much more clarity and insight to how I can become more empowered in my daily life, and be more of who I truly am in my engagements with everyone and everything around me.

This class gifted me an incredible amount of joy and awareness. I integrate the tools from the teaching every day to help cultivate more joy, love, peace and clarity everyday.
Ash W.
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Erin's work is extraordinary. Over the past two years, I've recieved a variety of energy healing's from her. After each session, I feel cleaner, lighter, more hopeful and filled with joy. Her presence, and her healing knowledge is POWERFUL.

I'm confident anyone who walks through her door with an open heart and willingness to receive a healing session will be transformed for the better. I highly recommend the Life Activation, and her 2-day Empower Thyself course.

After doing these myself, I continue to experience countless miracles in my life everyday. I now wake up feeling hopeful, purposeful and joyful and it all started with those two powerful experiences with Erin. She is a tue blessing and gift to this world! Book a session with her as soon as possible. You'll be grateful you did 🙂
Tori M.
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I came to meet Erin through a mutual friend. I went to her to learn more about the services she could offer from her training within the Modern Mystery School. Admittedly, I went to her to prove that all of this couldn't possibly be true, that it was all new-age BS. My theory was wrong and instead I would find my life, spirit, and mind transformed for the greatest good. I am now truly happy and filled with gratitude.

I truly believe if there are two things you should do for yourself, a Life Activation and the Empower Thyself workshop are the things to do. Both of these things will open up thoughts and possibilities that you may not be able to see now and it will give you daily practices that will enhance your whole life and help you create a higher level of peace and happiness. At least it did for me. I also believe that if you do these two things, you will want to do more and there is so much more to do and experience.
Jason R.
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Erin is the best! She is committed to advancing your health in non- conventional ways. It is just what the doctor ordered. I knew I was stuck energetically.

Battling fatigue I exhausted all other options. I was referred by a good friend and boom. She opened the doors needed for continued healing and that lead to professional success beyond my wildest imagination. I am forever grateful that I found her and you will be too.
Leah Isla
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"I traveled the world to historic iconic places seeking spirituality and a connection to the universe for over a decade. I found it 25 min from my home at the Modern Mystery School and it has been such a gift and a blessing!

I’ve been taking classes from Erin Wallace for 5 years. She has enlightened me to a spiritual practice that is both practical and magickal- everyone can benefit from it!

As a guide, Erin is supportive, encouraging, and prompt to respond. She’s supported me through my highs and lows. The community I’ve become a part of has been essential. We have so much fun and support for each other, and, it helped to have this pillar of strength and clarity of a community during the pandemic.

Simply put, it’s what I was seeking and I’m grateful to become a part of it.
Sophia Evans
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"Erin Wallace is an incredibly powerful healer, teacher and guide to say the least. You can feel the focus and potency in her energy in her presence - and she’s hilarious! I am so grateful to have her here in California, anchoring such ancient teachings and light.

This center allows for many extraordinary classes to be taught. I highly recommend life activation, empower thyself, Kabbalah, and the sacred geometries - you can’t go wrong, it’s all good."
Andrea Vitz
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"I can’t explain it fully and most likely I’m not supposed to be able to but there have been energetic shifts in my life since beginning to study at the mystery school.

I like that it meets you where you’re at, so no matter how much personal growth work you’ve done or not done, it’s going to give you energetic change. Really kind and interesting people who think differently than the mainstream, which is refreshing.

Erin Wallace has been my guide throughout and I’m grateful for her."
Amber Dominguez
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"Erin’s passion for what she does transcends the work of the Modern Mystery School. She hold energy and light with such reverence and authenticity. A true joy to receive healing from.

The classes I have found amazing tools in is the Empower Thyself Class and the Kabbalah Series. All with great wisdom and knowledge that can feel like your learning/just being reminded of the knowledge your heart has always known to be true.

I have taken the courses at my pace and Erin has always been so supportive of that. All the tools have really brought such assuredness and vibrancy in my life and aura.

As a Christian with a strong love in my heart for Jesus and God this school has such respect for that and any individual with any belief and faith. Really so universal for spirituality across the board."
Rachel Miller
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"Erin is amazing! She’s very easy to talk to and a great guide, teacher, and healer. She’s also really fun and I love all of the community events. This was the spiritual community I had always been looking for. The tools from the Modern Mystery School have changed my life. I highly recommend any of the metaphysical classes and the Life Activation."


Energy Exchange Value:
$1250 + transaction fees

**Note: Price is increasing to $1500 after August 2024 **

Upcoming dates:
View Calendar for Upcoming Dates

Day 1, 11:00am – 6:30pm | Day 2, 10:00am – 7:30pm

(Actual timing may change for specific dates. Differences will be communicated via email)

Modern Mystery School Northern California

2395 Pleasant Hill Road, Pleasant Hill, CA

Register by sending a non-refundable non-transferable deposit amount.

Meet Erin

Erin Wallace is a compassionate soul whose life’s purpose revolves around uplifting others and making a positive impact on the world. She is a powerhouse, no-nonsense lightworker, cutting through the BS to shine a light and empower others to step into their Godhood.  

Leading the Modern Mystery School community in California, Erin also serves as an International Instructor with the Modern Mystery School, Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Teacher, and on the International teaching panel for training others to become Life Activation practitioners. 

Erin is also the best selling author of Spiritual Shortcuts:  7 Simple Keys to Fast Track Your Progression.

With authenticity and honesty, Erin offers ancient lineage tools and keys for stepping into your greatest life.

To get started working with Erin, consider scheduling a free 15-min phone consultation to learn how these tools can make an impact in your life. 

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